The Estonian Shipowners` Association was re-established in 1993 after Estonia regained its independence. Today, there are 11 members in the organization, including the Estonian Maritime Academy and a law firm specialized on maritime law. Approximately 75 – 80% of the revenues and employment of Estonian maritime sector is covered by the members of Estonian Shipowners` Association, with 10 000 people working for either directly or indirectly.
Since 2004, the organization is the member of European Community Shipowners’ Association, representing national interests in several of its structures and working groups.
Estonian Shipowners` Association is an organization for either maritime companies operating either some or all their fleet under the Estonian flag or working in the maritime field and investing in developing and maintaining a high professional and qualitative level and strong competitiveness.
Estonia has a good starting position to become a major player in European and global maritime industry with highly skilled professionals and sustainable fleet and operations. This position is pursued at all times.
Environment & sustainablity
The environmentally friendly and sustainable way of operating is and will always be an inseparable priority of Estonian maritime business. The organization seeks to introduce innovative approaches and technologies to the shipowners and operators in Estonia.
Labour market and compentencies
The organization drives the development and necessary transformation of the competencies within the Estonian educational system in close collaboration with the educational institutions. It aims to secure a fair and competitive essence of the maritime labour market in Estonia.
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